Keys to Success

Wholegrain oats, fresh Orkney island water, traditional baking skills and belief in sustainability make our savoury biscuits special.

Carefully Sourced Ingredients

All our oatcakes are baked full of slow energy releasing wholegrain oats, are naturally high in or a source of fibre, contain no artificial flavourings and are suitable for vegetarians, with many vegan approved.


  • BRC Global Standard for Food Safety
  • Cyber Essentials

Pride in our heritage, great tasting products that arrive in good condition, a focus on quality and customer service help to build close relationships with our customers near and far.

Delivery Details

  • We deliver throughout the UK normally in full pallet quantities however for smaller quantities we do offer half pallet rates
  • We currently export to a number of countries though generally consolidate loads through a UK point of departure
  • Minimum shelf life on delivery 6 months

To read more about Stockan's trade packs, click here.

For all trade enquiries, please contact Moira Cairns: